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Walsh, Roddy, 5. NIHR Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK. 6. National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.
Walters, Anneke, Revivicor, 1700 Kraft Drive, Suite 2400, Blacksburg, VA 24060, USA
Ward, David E, 1. St George's Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK
Wassely, Kerolos Wagdy, 1 Cardiology Department Menoufiya University, Egypt
Wegner, Philip, Department of Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology, University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel, Arnold-Heller-Str. 3, 24105 Kiel, Germany
Wenger, Nanette, Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) Emeritus, Emory University School of Medicine Consultant, Emory Heart and Vascular Center, Atlanta, USA and Founding Consultant, Emory Women’s Heart Center
Wibowo, Robin H., Sumedang Regional General Hospital, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia
Widmer, R. Jay, Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic and College of Medicine, Rochester, MN 55905, USA
Wilkins, Martin, Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, London W12 0NN, United Kingdom
Williams, Maggie, Bristol Genetics Laboratory, Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust, UK
Williams, Timothy M, Ashford & St. Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Chertsey, UK
Wilson, William, Department of Cardiology Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Winterhalder, Clemens, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Winterhalder, Clemens, Division of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel and University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Wissam, Abdallah, Frederik Meijer Heart and Vascular Institute, Spectrum Health, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Wiwanitkit, Viroj, Dr DY Patil University, Pune, India
Woelfel, Alan, Frederik Meijer Heart & Vascular Institute, Michigan, USA
Wojciechowska, Dorota, Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design, Department of Material and Commodity Sciences and Textile Metrology, ul. Zeromskiego 116, 90-924 Lodz, Poland 4 924, Lodz, Poland
Wort, S J, Royal Brompton Hospital and National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, UK
Wright, Gavin, 2. Chain of Hope, London, UK 3. Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Wright, Susan, Department of Anaesthetics, The Heart Hospital, University College London Hospitals, London, UK
Wright, William R, National Heart & Lung Institute, Dovehouse Street, London SW36LY, United Kingdom
Wu, Mei-Hwan, Department of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University Hospital and College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
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