Further insights into the syndrome of prolapsing non-coronary aortic cusp and ventricular septal defect


  • Akhlaque N Bhat CCS Department, Section of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Hamad Hospital, Doha, Qatar
  • Ahmad Sallehuddin CCS Department, Section of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Hamad Hospital, Doha, Qatar
  • Mohammad Riyas CCS Department, Section of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Hamad Hospital, Doha, Qatar
  • Reyaz Ahmad Lone CCS Department, Section of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Hamad Hospital, Doha, Qatar
  • Pawel Tyrsarowski CCS Department, Section of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Hamad Hospital, Doha, Qatar
  • Suresh Kumar CCS Department, Section of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Hamad Hospital, Doha, Qatar
  • Jiju John CCS Department, Section of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Hamad Hospital, Doha, Qatar
  • Pradeep Bhaskar CCS Department, Section of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Hamad Hospital, Doha, Qatar
  • Syed Zin CCS Department, Section of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Hamad Hospital, Doha, Qatar
  • Magdi H Yacoub Director Qatar Cardiovascular Research Centre, Doha, Qatar


Ventricular septal defect (VSD) with prolapse of the right coronary cusp and aortic regurgitation can be managed surgically with the anatomical correction technique. However when the VSD is located underneath the non coronary cusp surgical management differs due to anatomical constraints and secondary pathological changes seen in the non-coronary cusp. It is therefore important that the location of the VSD and the morphology of prolapsing cusp be characterised preoperatively in order to plan appropriate surgical repair. We present a case study in which we discuss the salient differences in the surgical management of the prolapsing right and the prolapsing non coronary cusps. 






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