Challenges in rheumatic valvular disease: Surgical strategies for mitral valve preservation
In developing countries, rheumatic fever and carditis still constitutes a major public health problem. Patients have special characteristics that differ from those with rheumatic mitral valve disease we still see in developed countries. They are usually young, poor, uneducated, and have low compliance to prophylaxis / therapy. In addition, they usually have great difficulty in accessing medical care. In these situations, the rate of complications associated to valve replacement is significantly increased. Alternatively, mitral valve repair is now known to achieve better long-term results in this pathology, but this was not widely recognized three or four decades ago, when first reports showed worse results after repair of rheumatic regurgitation than with degenerative valves. This has been reported by several groups in developing countries in different continents, with high incidence of repairs and excellent long term results. It is, therefore, becoming increasingly clear that, although, the results may not compare to those obtained with degenerative pathology, repair of rheumatic valves, when feasible, is the procedure of choice, especially in these underprivileged populations.Downloads
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