Three-dimensional structure of the human myosin thick filament: clinical implications
High resolution information about the three-dimensional (3D) structure of myosin filaments has always been hard to obtain. Solving the 3D structure of myosin filaments is very important because mutations in human cardiac muscle myosin and its associated proteins (e.g. titin and myosin binding protein C) are known to be associated with a number of familial human cardiomyopathies (e.g. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and dilated cardiomyopathy). In order to understand how normal heart muscle works and how it fails, as well as the effects of the known mutations on muscle contractility, it is essential to properly understand myosin filament 3D structure and properties in both healthy and diseased hearts.
The aim of this review is firstly to provide a general overview of the 3D structure of myosin thick filaments, as studied so far in both vertebrates and invertebrate striated muscles. Knowledge of this 3D structure is the starting point from which myosin filaments isolated from human cardiomyopathic samples, with known mutations in either myosin or its associated proteins (titin or C-protein), can be studied in detail. This should, in turn, enable us to relate the structure of myosin thick filament to its function and to understanding the disease process. A long term objective of this research would be to assist the design of possible therapeutic solutions to genetic myosin-related human cardiomyopathies.
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