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Chester, Adrian H, Heart Science Centre, NHLI, Imperial College London, Harefield, Middlesex, UK UB9 6JH
Chester, Adrian H, Imperial College London Heart Science Centre, Harefield Hospital, Harefield, Middlesex. UB9 6JH, UK
Chester, Adrian H, National Heart & Lung Institute, Im- perial College London, Heart Science Centre, Harefield, Middlesex, UB9 6JH, United Kingdom
Chinedozi, Ifeanyi, Division of Cardiac Surgery, Department of Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Choi, Chun Woo, Division of Cardiac Surgery, Department of Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Chouchane, Lotfi, Laboratory of Genetic Medicine and Immunology, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar
Choudhary, Rahul, Department of Cardiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur, Raj, India
Chowdhury, Kamrun Nahar, National Centre for Control of Rheumatic Fever and Heart Disease (NCCRFHD), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Christ, Andreas, Intensive Care Unit, Cantonal Hospital Basel Landschaft, Liestal, Switzerland
Christ, Andreas, Medical University Clinic, Cantonal Hospital Baselland, Liestal, Switzerland
Chughtai, Omar Rasheed
Chun, K R Julian, 1. Cardioangiologisches Centrum Bethanien (CCB), Frankfurt Academy For Arrhythmias (FAFA); Ableitung der Kardiologie, Medizinische Klinik III, Agaplesion Markus Krankenhaus, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 2. Die Sektion Medizin, Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany.
Chun, K R Julian, Cardioangiologisches Centrum Bethanien (CCB), Frankfurt Academy For Arrhythmias (FAFA), Department of Cardiology, Medizinische Klinik III, Agaplesion Markus Krankenhaus, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Ciabatti, Michele, Cardiovascular Department, San Donato Hospital, Arezzo, Italy
Clarke, Nicholas, Division of Cardiac Surgery, Department of Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Clauss, Matthias A, Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep & Occupational Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Cokkinos, Dennis V, Center of Clinical, Experimental Surgery, & Translation Research. Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens (BRFAA), Soranou Efesiou 4 11527Athens, Greece
Colkesen, Yucel, Erdem Hospital, Department of Cardiology, Bagcilar, Istanbul, Turkey
Collins, Matthew, Jefferson Abington Hospital
Connolly, Stuart, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Cook, Stuart A, 6. National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK. 8. National Heart Centre Singapore, Singapore. 9. Duke-National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Cooper, David KC, Xenotransplantation Program, Department of Surgery, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
Coppini, Raffaele, Department NeuroFarBa, Division of Pharmacology, University of Florence, Italy
Coppola, Kathleen, Department of Internal Medicine, Jefferson Abington Hospital, Abington, PA, USA
Corris, Paul A, Director, National Pulmonary Hypertension Service, Newcastle, UK & Research Champion, UK National Pulmonary Hypertension Service

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